
Chris N - Saco, Maine

"Website archives need proper authentication for use at court."

Peter O - Las Cruces, New Mexico

"First time test drive of the site."

Anne S - Gorham, ME, Maine

"A fair amount actually. It was very useful for my work."

John B - Portland, Maine

"A way to get old web content in trademark infringement cases."

Edward D - Damariscotta, Maine

"Basis of evidence admission of archive data"

Floyd J - Portland, Maine

"wayback machine"

Colin D - Somerville, Massachusetts

"How to effectively use the Wayback Machine"

Melina M - Weston, Massachusetts

"Wayback Machine to review historical web info on homepage"

N Kate W - Freeport, Maine

"Using wayback machine on particular websites, archiving sites. "

James M - Oakland, California

"perhaps evidentiary admissabiity issues"